It worked better than I had hoped, hunkered down as I was behind the gaping maw of madness. I thought for sure I'd be singed, or simply that it wouldn't work. I didn't know what to do with it, but I knew it felt good.

Bruised, battered and broken. Not quite done yet, though. I still have something left.

I'm finding that I don't feel the same way I used to feel about you. The pieces don't fit together so well anymore. I think I'm in the grip of something beyond my comprehension...

"When I snap my fingers, you'll be afraid to think!"
"I wonder what I'll cook for dinner tonight?"
"That's the spirit."
It raised a bald, feeble head and blinked eyes fresh from the birthing vats, already adjusting to the purpose I had instilled within it. I robed it in the uniform of my House, the garments of an honoured servant.
"What is your will, Master?"
So it isn't pure genius. It -was- kind of fun though. Try it sometime if you can't think of anything to write. There's at least two short stories in that.
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/mildly satiated
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