Saturday, October 15, 2011


The first step is to stop waking up.
Walking the streets and smelling the air,
Air is the enemy.

The second step is to lock yourself away.
Confinement is the pathway to the other.
Movement is chains.

The third step is to turn off your mind.
Those thoughts are often crass and crude,
The mind is a crutch.

The fourth step is to dream.
There's purity of purpose behind your eyes,
Flight, and flame, and power.

The fifth step is to rise.
Flesh falls away, the dross of your life,
Life is death. Die to live.

The sixth step is to forget.
What is, is what was, and what shall be.
You were nothing before now.

The seventh step is to raze.
Destroy all that could undo your work.
You're light and strength and destruction.

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