I have never hated this as much as I do right now.
Let me explain it.
Shutdown came at 5 o'clock this afternoon. I'm serious. WTF BLIZZ, WTF.
So I turned to that sanctuary of interest, the realm forums, and lo and behold, I had an @Liriael thread. Joy.
So one thing led to another and we all got on vent and had a jolly old time for...
*checks clock* THREE AND A HALF HOURS!
And that was just randoms talking about nothing at all. And three out of the eight were Horde players.
Now Blizz. I know in-game we can't understand one another, and on PvP servers the rivalry is stoked to fever pitch. But I am a carebear. And I'm so grumpy at the fact you have given me many tools in which to communicate with my enemies. Vent servers, the forums, emotes...the fact we can roll alts...
And yet I find myself separated from some truly AWESOME people because they no speaka de Common and I'm supposed to try and kill them. And they don't want to roll alts. And I can't leave Liri, and rerolling means we have the same problem but cross-faction....
Now, I know there is no way to fix this so that everyone is happy, but it steamed me a bit, because these people are so great to have around and we're just throwing stones across a void we can't cross. :(
WTB cross-race customization. I know it wouldn't work with Loremaster and so on and so much homogenization would be needed, but STILL.
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Yeah it sucks now dont it? i dunno weather to be offended by the nomination of my guild for no progression! seriously wtf?
P.S i think i'll start using this to vent my anger and frustrations out on this side....so much anger!
Speak for yourself Liri, I like the concept of being able to have a locked door to hide behind when you guys all just get to wierd, that vent conversation was f**ked up at times
I have a thought or three on the subject.
You know what? I could write it all out here, but instead I'm just going to write it all out on my own blog.
everyone has blog spot
I'm back and settled now so I can post a proper response.
PvP servers need this seperation so they can PvP and not have to worry about people rerolling to QQ at someone killing them. Being able to change the race of your toon would be one of the worst possible marketing stratiges blizzard could implement, Because people will level as a race with an effective racial for leveling (Ie: Spacegoats instant heal, not that OP but an example) and then swap it to say a human for the passive PvP trinket.
And also to go so far as to allow race changes would mean that the only thing left that you arn't commited to is your class. and with race changes how long do you think that classes will be permanent?
Dialog is really the most enjoyable and most utterly compelled asslick of people.
Its absolutely the single most amazing thing of any good relationship (sex withstanding) and the base for anything decent and long lasting.
However, its also the single biggest destructive force behind any falling out or trollspam.
So whilst perhaps the endurance of living without the touch of one for the sake of another is a bane at times, the comparison is to be forced to hide in these others as the surrounding existence erupts into malcontent and facepalm.
Having given up a spot as MT/OT in a hardcore, at the time, well standing horde guild (Shiroi Tora) to move to a small semi-casual guild alliance guild (Visions) mostly unknown meant turning my back on many an awesome person, i.e Xiph, whom at the time was also a member of ST (mostly). However this was in-turn for that elusive love and now I'm engaged.
The moral is, sacrificing something makes that which you gain both more valuable and indebted/connected to you.
Xuani raises an excellent point - that which we give up (hard core raiding) should be equalled if not exceeded by what is gained (kept the GF, started serious training again).
In the case of the cross-faction barrier, we give up the excellent people on Horde side to avoid the idiots, the noobs... And we hope for the best.
Yes, but you're missing the point.
I want to have my cake and eat it too.
Way to add a comment to a really old blog post, Massif.
However: see recent comment by Nethaera (http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=18031079410&sid=1)
We wanted to give everyone a very early heads-up that, in response to player requests, we’re developing a new service for World of Warcraft that will allow players to change their faction from Alliance to Horde or Horde to Alliance. There’s still much work to do and many details to iron out, but the basic idea is that players will be able to use the service to transform an existing character into a roughly equivalent character of the opposing faction on the same realm. Players who ended up creating and leveling up characters on the opposite factions from their friends have been asking for this type of functionality for some time, and we’re pleased to be getting closer to being able to deliver it.
Went up yesterday, over 60 pages of forum posts already.
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