Bre isn't on here, and so are a myriad of other people who I quite like, but it takes up so much time getting you all on here.
So, let's get the last lot out of the way, shall we?

This is Baest
Baest is the resident lolsbian of Nagrand and is, well, pretty spiffy. She is the yin to my faggoty yang. She also drags me into 10 man runs that, on the whole, work out rather well.
She also assaults me in trade with a strap-on. Ah, the purity of our love. 0.o

This is Pherox.
Another Draenei Fury Warrior! I do tend to keep them around. Pherox is another RL friend, and looks somewhat awesome when swinging around his maces. Moar mount farming needed though!
Also, don't ask him to tank H AN. He stands in pound. <3

This is Euryales
Or, to be more specific, this is Euryales in his resto gear, which means he's been healing. Which is lol. Euryales was my old GM in Celerity along with Winkee, and a finer, more upstanding gentleman you couldn't ask for. What he's doing in Simplicity I'll never know. :P
Again, more draenei!

This is Kreesha
And, if I'm not mistaken, Gradhan behind her, who is an alt of another old friend. I know everyone! 0.o
Kreesha is another achivement whore and to my knowledge is the only person who has followed this blog devoutly since conception. She sends me a lovely email after each post, and the awesome of her is only accented by the stalker-ish behaviour. <3>

This is Fung.
Or to be more specific, Fucked Up Name Guy. He used to be named Hyonmaru or something godawful before he got the name change to what we were all calling him.
He used to be a paladin called Tibarn before the DK came around.
He's an old mate now, a bit odd in the head, but what the hell. WTB less mother aggro so he can play more.
What else we got...?

This is Lethalock.
Lethalock is another of those lovely chaps from Ryuu (Love Ryuu!) who seems to live in IF. Always nice to get a whisper from.
This is a random person in CoT who stole my character name.
This is Ano.
Ano pestered me constantly about this blog. There, you're on it! HAPPY NOW?!
Ano tanks old world bosses (to my amusement) rides around on a turtle/deathcharger/blue proto-drake (to my jealousy) and should probably do less Naxxramas. Kthx.
That about sums up the vast majority of the people I play with. Finally, I can let this die! It was a fun adventure for a while, but no more chasing people for screenies!
lol @ eury's pic saying ive come online
I have met Euryales in real life, and a finer more upstanding gent... No, I can't pull that off with a straight face.
Withing five minutes of first meeting we were both laughing hysterically when someone mentioned Ricky Martin and he immediately chimed in with "Peanut Butter".
We are both sick sick men, with oddly similar senses of humour. If you don't get the reference, Google still returns it as the first result for "Ricky Martin peanut butter".
And what's more, he stole my birthday! The bastard!
For reference Xunai doth equate Irshy
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