I know Zan IRL. A meme-spouting, Greatstaff of the Nexus ninja-ing (grr), DPSbot who actually knows that fire is still hot and that standing in it is bad. 4.5k dps on bosses, or something. He's actually got half a clue what he's doing and that's scarily rare....but put him in a silent rank in guild chat and mute him on vent. Srsly. He never shuts up. EVAH. Unless people hate him and he wants loots from them.
Next, we have another gnome mage! Egad!
Or Shoge, or whatever alt he's on at the time.
I'm not going to bother explaining how this peculiar chap operates. He has his own blog, and it's in my watch list. Azerothian Ramblings. Read the post on Pirates vs Ninjas. Most in depth analysis I've seen (and has saucy pictures!)
This is Chocoret
Chocoret is a human female paladin. Chocoret enjoys killing ZG mount bosses with myself and Pherox (Fill me with your RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!) and spending truly obscene amounts of time in EoE. I mean, honestly. Your repair bills must be huge. I don't spend half as much time with this lovely person as I would like.
Finally, we have a hunter with brain. I know, it sounds unlikely, but bear with me.
This is Zenkeria
Zenkeria comes on my Tuesday funruns, week in, week out. I dragged her along to an Oculus achievement run when she had never done the instance (!) and she stuck around after wipe after wipe (!). She hasn't cleared Naxx (!) but nethertheless is one of the most competent players I've encountered in an old world setting. Much <3,>
I'm away until Saturday on drama camp. When I get back, I'll wrap up this sappy friendship posting with some of the most important characters. Untill then. :)
Saucy pictures, honestly... I hardly think that pictures of costumed girls counts as saucy.
But I will admit, I am desensitized to pretty much all porn. Best not to ask too many questions about that really.
Yeah, I ain't touching that one.
That's what SHE said.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
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