So, I finally managed to scrape together a semi-coherent Sunwell raid group with several under level 80s and a bunch of good natured Ryuu chaps. Along with the lolsbian Baest on her priest, I and my compatriots from Celerity proceeded to utterly ANNIHILATE THE PLACE.
Kil'jaeden is without a doubt one of the best boss fights I have ever seen, and I godmoded it.
It was just so epic, so flawless...it made me miss BC something chronic. LK does not feel like that. Kel'thuzad does not feel like that. RIP BC.
It was just so epic, so flawless...it made me miss BC something chronic. LK does not feel like that. Kel'thuzad does not feel like that. RIP BC.
Pix. :D I can still squeeze some joy out of old-world raiding.

Do a TK Liri. Go on, you know you want too!
Must see Kael'Thas die!
I don't dare. If I do a TK, I'll ninja the phoenix and lose my repuation. I can't handle that kind of temptation.
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