Saturday, November 8, 2014

but who's really a singular

Let us go then, I and I
(for the world has turned away,
and left us dry)
out into the city.

Let us tune up,
Turn up,
Fuck up.

Let us be multifaceted and unconfined
In a world that's turned for purpose out of mind,
Let us be real, let us be raw,
and let us sound the call to arms
and prepare the vessels for harm.

Let us go then, I and I,
(forced to toil under patriarchal sky)
Let us go and turn down unfamiliar streets,
The possible retreats
Of others lost, with nothing left to lose.

(Dear God, let us not be refused.)

Let us clad ourselves in robes of gold,
and hope that truth is valued half the much.
Let us try for blood until we're old!
For they have everything to lose,
and we have everything to gain.

Let us go,
I and I.
A commodity to sell - or buy.
A joke, a change, a shifting mess,
A bot/a ghost/a dude in a dress,
Synchronized rather than die,
I and I.
I and I.

1 comment:

banj said...

I found this while I was working on making some theater masks and how could I not think of you?