Thursday, June 27, 2013

Politics Today

Young Australians, come back to us. 
We need your voice.
We need you to pretend
that you have a choice
when it comes to who rules.
But you're surrounded by liars,
frauds and fools
and no matter who wins
you lose.

Young Americans, stand proud.
Your bodies are yours.
Never mind that they cleared the floor
with force, and the old men stood by
stood by, like this was a matter of course
'course, this was their design
and with the new laws that they made on the sly
it's only a matter of time.

Greece. Turkey. Brazil.
It's just too bitter to swallow that pill.
There's streets thousands of miles away
where men and women of the street
won't have a chance to have their say
and men walk the streets
hands red to the elbow
an army of Hannibals
and they say, we don't know,
we didn't know
we couldn't know
so toe the fucking line or die.
It makes me want to cry.
The whole world's gone rotten
and I feel ill.

Young man, young woman,
raise your heads high.
Today is the day to remember you'll die.
Vote in the lizards.
cast out the wizards,
and everything will be just fine.
The world is an engine that runs on your blood
and the blood of those you don't stand up for
the different, the women, the non-white, the poor,
and those responsible don't even understand what the machine's for?
Lost sheep,
with wolf fangs.
The fate of the world -
the whole, fucked up world -

I wake up with knives in my head.
I wake up with sweat in my bed.
I wake up
wondering whether today will be the day 
that everything switches
and everything changes
and everything fades
and all of this will be a nightmare 
filled with men that can't follow me with steely-calm stares,
and catch me unawares in the street
in the banks
in the houses of leadership
and their soft words and proud stares won't crack like a whip
and everything will begin again
with a fucking riot.

I never wake up.

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