Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Time Enough.

Everybody's telling you that you can't,
As you're rubbing ointments on the wound.
Nothing ventured, nothing at the start,
You smile and duck your head and hum a tune.
There's no path around this here jungle that's sprung up -
No road to take you where you need to go.
There's a ditch that you'll abridge when you've enough,
And a jungle - that's a metaphor. Don't you know?

Through the gates, through the gates,
With nothing to stop you on your way
Nothing holds you back from keeping dates,
Nothing holds you back from yesterday.
You smile at the drones out on the street,
With vapid eyes and grinning lies and faded heart,
But there is nothing that constrains your depth or feet,
Nothing to suppress your soul of art.

Rejoice!; rejoice,
The world is your oyster - or mollusc of choice,
It's there for the taking, if you find your voice,
There's time enough for love, now,
Time enough for strife.
Time enough for husband and time enough for wife.
Time enough for suffering and time enough for scorn.
Time enough for happiness, time to be forlorn.
Time to lose the beaten track, time to take a toll,
Time to love the jungle, time to fill your bowl.
There's enough inspiration to take it from the soil,
Take it from your blogging friends and take it from your toil,
Take it from the end of something and from life anew.
Take it from most any source, but most of all, from you.

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