Okay, I swear, I swear, I'll do a non-WoW related post soon.
I'm just on holidays now and I'm doing nothing but WoW and...the other thing that teenagers find amusing.
That isn't very fun to put on a blog, though.
So soon, I swear.
XT hard mode pic for the progression thread.

I was off work last week and played WoW for 4 days straight, and overdid it. I'm cooling off now - I haven't even played my druid since Saturday (54, btw).
Assassin's Creed is getting a hammering though, along with the new Monkey Island - Episode 1 (of 5) was released last night, which I completed in about 4 hours, which includes time spent AFK for all the usual household chores. If this keeps up, I may even get around to FallOut 3 again. I picked up a combo pack, Fallout Fallout2 and Fallout Tactics for $30.00 on the weekend as well. I haven't played them yet but it feels good to know that I own actual legitimate non-pirated copies.
fwahp fwahp fwahp
Top dps /faps in Everblights face
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