Monday, April 27, 2009

Some more of the people I play with.

Ok, so I'm missing pics of Fung, Pherox, Baest, Kreesha, Bhardin and Eury. That'll be the third post when I chase them up. For now, here's some more lovely chaps on my friends list.
First off, a pink-haired killing machine.

This is Zanmarto.
I know Zan IRL. A meme-spouting, Greatstaff of the Nexus ninja-ing (grr), DPSbot who actually knows that fire is still hot and that standing in it is bad. 4.5k dps on bosses, or something. He's actually got half a clue what he's doing and that's scarily rare....but put him in a silent rank in guild chat and mute him on vent. Srsly. He never shuts up. EVAH. Unless people hate him and he wants loots from them.
Next, we have another gnome mage! Egad!

This is Massif.
Or Shoge, or whatever alt he's on at the time.
I'm not going to bother explaining how this peculiar chap operates. He has his own blog, and it's in my watch list. Azerothian Ramblings. Read the post on Pirates vs Ninjas. Most in depth analysis I've seen (and has saucy pictures!)
Next, we have another rabbit. Damn you Noblegarden!

This is Chocoret
Chocoret is a human female paladin. Chocoret enjoys killing ZG mount bosses with myself and Pherox (Fill me with your RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!) and spending truly obscene amounts of time in EoE. I mean, honestly. Your repair bills must be huge. I don't spend half as much time with this lovely person as I would like.
Finally, we have a hunter with brain. I know, it sounds unlikely, but bear with me.
This is Zenkeria
Zenkeria comes on my Tuesday funruns, week in, week out. I dragged her along to an Oculus achievement run when she had never done the instance (!) and she stuck around after wipe after wipe (!). She hasn't cleared Naxx (!) but nethertheless is one of the most competent players I've encountered in an old world setting. Much <3,>
I'm away until Saturday on drama camp. When I get back, I'll wrap up this sappy friendship posting with some of the most important characters. Untill then. :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Some of the people I play with.

So, I just did the Noble Garden meta in a single evening (EGGS, NO MORE EGGS) when someone got wind of the fact I do some WoW related blogging of some kind and wanted on the front page. It being midnight almost, I was not able to procure as many screenshots of friends as I would like, but I managed to snag a few people in the area that I am particularly fond of. If you're not up here, I'll hunt you down for a later post. (Zenk, Kreesha, Baest, Eury, Mass, this means you. Get your pretty clothes out for a pic.)

So, without further ado, we have...a rabbit.

This is Krenig.
Krenig is a lovely chap who you may remember as being my husband somewhere along the line. 0.o
He is a priest with a taste in pets and moonlights as a pink rabbit. He also gets dragged into Sunwell raids and is forced to heal when he only logged on to enchant his gloves. He also does a little forum trolling (if you can call it that, it's more like *shudder* helpful posting) and looks simply smashing in a black dress.
Good luck on getting matching bunny ears, Krenig. <3
What's next?
Ah, an alt run.

This is Syreinn.
Syreinn is a big fatty who thinks he's a whole lot better than he is. He got an 80 and immediately set out levelling another character because actual PvP is too much for him. He likes to twink instead, because being OP against anything other than another twink is his play style. He also needs to learn to be better.
I write all this because he won't read it, and will probably continue to run things with me on occasion. He's amusing enough, I suppose. :D
Moving right along...
This is me on a talbuk.
I'm exalted with Kurenei. Thought I'd slip that in there.
Finally, we have the big one.
In order of appearance, left to right, we have:
Greentalon, Everblight, Myself, Misabella, and Tankerbelle.
Greentalon is a suave talking troll trapped in a generic, night elf hunter's body. His interests include putting novelty items on people and complaining that his leet dps could be better. I want him in all my 5 man runs from this moment in time. Kgo.
(P.S his girlfriend needs to reroll. Also....he's sexy. There. It's in there. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!)
Everblight is a philosopher with a thirst for the spotlight and a strict adherance to the traditional death knight model. His interests include topping DPS meters and having incredibly insightful opinions and views that he voices at every opportunity (in select channels). He's a pain in my ass, but I also want him in all my 5 mans. Kgo
(Also, his Vendorstrike shall take over the world unless confiscated.)
Myself is present, but currently under the effects of a spiffy Orb of Deception. I look like Paris Hilton. Thanks Onyxia!
Misabella is....well, she's just awesome. She has far more achievement points than me and we've banded together to get the red proto-drakes. Since she is a healer as well, I've been forced to go *shudder* hance dps. More on that as it emerges. We'll get there one day. Her interests include being quietly elitist and slipping wonderful profanities into everything. If she dares to transfer server, I may just cry.
Tankerbelle enjoys playing alliance and does not wish to roll horde. He talks like a pirate, was #4th dps overall as a tank in several 25 man runs, and likes to mix Vodka with Old Kingdom. He also looks neat with bunny ears!
So, that's some of the gang. I'll make an effort to get more people on here. This was actually pretty fun to write - there are a lot of unnoticed personalities on Nagrand, and I like to think that maybe I exposed them a little. /giggle

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Kreesha, you make me feel guilty if I'm not posting something to amuse you at least once every two days. Probably a good thing. <3
I'm digging through all my old files looking for gold to post, and I'm not finding much. The following is a poem I wrote maybe six months ago. It is most imperfect, but what the hey, it's some filler.

The world around is dull and bleak,
Monotony, week after week.
Painted in dark browns and grays,
Until we scream within our days,
But striving, we cannot break free,
Because none among us truly see,
That to be free we break the mould,
Give up that we crave to hold,
Pass over ways to turn the knife,
And in doing, we give up our life.
Our place among the status quo,
Where do we turn? Where do we go?
When all we know is ripped to shreds,
And all we want in in our heads.
With possession gone, with freedom ours,
We have no way to spend our hours,
Save looking at our very souls,
Freed from the depths of craving's holes,
But laid bare, they writhe and cry
"How dare you free us from our sty!"
In truth, the soul is quite content,
To live in hells to which it's sent,
Even going insofar,
As to love the things that scar,
And freedom, though sought by all,
Is not beyond corruption's call,
And though we claim to find ourselves,
We cannot escape our own shelves,
And every act of self-confession,
Is merely more hints of obsession.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I hate you.
That is all.

Kologarn does WHAT in three seconds?

Ok, so, two deep and meaningful posts later, we have another WoW related one.

Even though he bugged and had some fun squeezing us to death in far too short a time, we got him eventually when he decided to play fair.

I did feel like the third wheel healing in a 10 man with Kameko and Ridin, but what are you going to do.

Holy pally boots and a spell hit ring dropped (which I won, the latter that is).

Pics. He makes a nice bridge

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Musings on religion

An old blog I wrote for another website two years ago. Enjoy.

Now, to today's topic. Before I begin, I should thank three books. They are called Life of Pi, Hogfather, and Small Gods. They have shaped my current ideals of religion and they are incredibly beautiful pieces of writing. I recommend them.

Gods need belief. Do people?Without belief gods will cease to exist. Who would know about Krishna if Hindus did not preach? Who would know of the sacrifices of a man who died for the sins of his people 2000 years ago? Nobody, that's who. Jesus would get no worship, Kali's altars would be empty of offerings, and Buddha wouldn't lead others on the path of spiritual enlightenment. So it is clear that gods need belief to sustain them, like millions of tons of rocket fuel powering them into the heavens.But people, ah, they are different. Mortal man is a fickle, sinful little monster, tempted by devils and demons constantly. But do we need belief? Organised religion aside, everyone believes something. Go ahead, think about it. What do you believe? That the sun will come up tomorrow? That dogs lay eggs? That cows are more intelligent than people think? That you are the fifth reincarnation of the prophet Harasmismakesh? Everyone has some form of belief, from the highest sultan to the lowest begger. So belief is an essential part of humanity. Wouldn't you agree?

But religion, that is far different. Religion is the surrendering of the most important and sacred part of your body, i.e your soul, to a higher power. It is placing your very existence in the hands of something different, in the solid and firm belief that this is the right thing to do. It is faith, and sacrifice, and the only difficulty is choosing which religion to follow. The band Switchfoot said "I'm not sure which way to go, because all along we're going in the same direction,". Mahatma Gandi said, "All religions are true". Pi Patel said, "I just want to love God". The most important people in history have been either scientists or religious figures, and it is clear which is the better person. Religion launches your soul to heaven before you even get there, fires you upward endlessly until you reach paradise. Religion is one of the glories of humanity, and it is beautiful.

My only regret is that I am shut-in, by the truths of humanity. Beautiful religion may be, but humanity is ugly to the core, as a whole. I sadly lack the capabilities to surrender myself to God, and as such, my soul rages within its mortal confines, unable to free itself and ascend. Such a shame.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Brung Low

Subbed out for an evening of raiding has, unfortunately, allowed me some time to be introspective.
I've edited the title of this blog as I'm going to fill it with other things aside from World of Warcraft from now on. I'm a complex human being, not a pixelated character. (Sorry Liri).
In any case, in my musings I came to the conclusion that a sure-fire method to depression is to realise that you are stuck in a rut.

So last night I went to a party. It was a themed party, and I didn't want to go. However, the person throwing the party goaded me into going by informing me that nobody expected my anti-social self to go unless there was something in it for me. I went, thus playing into her hands. Degrading, to say the least.
Then, while at the party (a horrible event, full of rich kids dancing to music I didn't like and talking about people I didn't know) an old flame approachs and we spend the next two hours talking about our relationship and where we stand. A relationship that happened a year ago, and lasted a month. It was my first serious relationship, and yet still, that seems somewhat pathetic, does it not? That it still has such an impact a year later?
In any case, he gave me a gutful of confused feelings to contend with that were a rather extreme effort to logically disassemble. Having done so, I wished to see my current partner and forget about the whole experience. However, he's in Sydney for a week. No dice.
So I get home at midnight. Struggle out of my suit, absolutely starving. Open the door to my caravan/annex complex, and think to myself:
That's funny. I thought I left the lights on.
I am immediately assailed by the sounds of heavy, laboured breathing.
Drunk friends come to crash?
And then the smell of fresh vomit washes over me and I suddenly lose my appetite, understandably.
Turn on the light, and there's someone I don't even recognise passed out on my couch, liberally coated in his own sick. Charming, I thought to myself, glad that whoever the individual was, he was out cold. I spied a pair of legs sticking out from behind the couch, and following them I find someone I do know, a friend of mine. He points me to the bedroom, where I find another friend, the ringleader, who informs me: "That's James. He didn't vomit....what are you talking about...."
Violence ensued.
Anyway, after we - by which I mean, they - had cleaned up as best they could and apologised at length for imposing upon my hospitality without so much as a by-your-leave, I was left alone, in my reeking caravan.
And then I was picked up by my father and taken to see well-off, alternative family members who teach at fancy schools and have morals and quote Indonesian poetry and don't let their children watch television.
And all I could think was is this what people are supposed to become?
Rich teenagers, who grow up and become vapid, rich parents. Drunken, dazed yobbos. The intelligent and meaningful people far removed from all others. And I thought, how do people get like that?
And then I went home and did the same thing I always do. Log on, do dailies, have a bit of a laugh, search for something more. Something to do.
And I realised, my God. I'm stuck in a rut. I'm going to go on doing what I always do, and eventually that will lead to me doing something else, and something else, and BAM. I'll be a product.
I'll wrap this up right now because it's not really going anywhere. I'm an advocate of the "Life is meaningless" philosophy. I'm just not sure what to do with that.
Friend 1: "Life is meaningless. We may as well have a giggle along the way."
Friend 2: "Life is meaningless. We cannot hope to extract any happiness from it before we die."
Me: "Life is clearly meaningless, you're accurate in pointing that out. ...what now?"

I'm in a good place right now. ^_^

....and walking away from this now.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

3.1 Musings

Right, so Ulduar has hit and this is where I'm going to have my little meandering rant about my first impressions and experiences. I recently got over glandular fever and came back to WoW just in time for patch. Here is what I feel, so far.

1) I hate Ulduar.
This isn't said lightly. I've put a lot of thought into it, and I have decided that no matter what the rest of Ulduar holds, no matter what exciting and interestingly well-tuned boss fights lie beyond the gates, it has been RUINED for me forever by Flame Leviathan and the vehicle fights. Gimmicky, irritating, and completely pointless, I have never liked the vehicle sections of WoW, and this boss is a pure annoyance. I will never enjoy Ulduar because of it. EVER.

2) Dual spec is pure, unadulterated sex
I run around as hance all day doing my dailies, and then I pop back into resto when raid time rolls around. THIS is absolute bliss. No longer does it take me almost 20 seconds to kill a mob. I blaze through my dailies. Dual spec was a blessing for hybrids. I'm so pleased.

3) The Argent Tournament is somewhat nifty
New dailies and an amusing interlude. Also, eventually I can get an "Of the Exodar" title. So I'm quite pleased with the Tournament.

At last, a reason to fish again. And the money shall come rolling in.

Overall, the patch was pretty good, I suppose. I'm not really thrilled though.
WoW has become a tad stale for me at present. WTB Oceanic RP server to break the monotony.