Sunday, July 19, 2015

Apply Pressure and Wait

it's been a long time, long time coming.
Been a long road for us both to walk.
Strangers again, just like we were before.
Strangers once, and nothing more.

I never thought to lose you all.
Like chaff to get at golden wheat.
To burn you all for my delight?
Would that have proved my might?
Such was never in my power.

I never thought to lose you all.
A portal passed.
Promises of youth are fleeting,
but the wounds one makes mistreating?
have stricken me, have rendered me a stone.

I waited there in the dark for a few years
passed the time, conversed with ancient fears
- verbose friends, though wont to predict death.
Though the sight and sound had passed with you,
I found that I drew breath.

I never thought to lose my heart and soul.
Although I swiftly handed them away.
I did not know, I did not know.
Some would say my fear was lost,
others, my naivete.

it's been a long time, long time coming.
Come walk with me, come walk with me.
Strangers once, just like we were before.
Strangers once, again, and you are nothing more.

It's a long road to walk together
It's a long time to hold apart.
It's a long time for you to say 'forever'.
It's a long distance before you fall apart.

I never thought to lose you all;
but I am stone, and stone I have become.
Won't you say you'd rather dance with me?
Live in my shade?
No one's falling for it this time.

Now all I think about is 'last the years'.
Now all I think about is 'beat their fears'.
Now all I am under the skin can stay the course.
Did fleeing from my presence cause you joy?
What will you do when your hands are forced?

it's been a long time, long time coming.
Nobody's falling for any of it this time.
I have sloughed off my restraint like a sin.
I have carved out the scar tissue you deplore.

Strangers once, but now you have no way of getting in.