Wednesday, December 2, 2015
learning to walk
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Apply Pressure and Wait
Been a long road for us both to walk.
Strangers again, just like we were before.
Strangers once, and nothing more.
I never thought to lose you all.
Like chaff to get at golden wheat.
To burn you all for my delight?
Would that have proved my might?
Such was never in my power.
I never thought to lose you all.
A portal passed.
Promises of youth are fleeting,
but the wounds one makes mistreating?
have stricken me, have rendered me a stone.
I waited there in the dark for a few years
passed the time, conversed with ancient fears
- verbose friends, though wont to predict death.
Though the sight and sound had passed with you,
I found that I drew breath.
I never thought to lose my heart and soul.
Although I swiftly handed them away.
I did not know, I did not know.
Some would say my fear was lost,
others, my naivete.
it's been a long time, long time coming.
Come walk with me, come walk with me.
Strangers once, just like we were before.
Strangers once, again, and you are nothing more.
It's a long road to walk together
It's a long time to hold apart.
It's a long time for you to say 'forever'.
It's a long distance before you fall apart.
I never thought to lose you all;
but I am stone, and stone I have become.
Won't you say you'd rather dance with me?
Live in my shade?
No one's falling for it this time.
Now all I think about is 'last the years'.
Now all I think about is 'beat their fears'.
Now all I am under the skin can stay the course.
Did fleeing from my presence cause you joy?
What will you do when your hands are forced?
it's been a long time, long time coming.
Nobody's falling for any of it this time.
I have sloughed off my restraint like a sin.
I have carved out the scar tissue you deplore.
Strangers once, but now you have no way of getting in.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
scotus ruling
lets hypothesize a future with white
porcelain, and thousands of unblemished
Faces, and screens that light up from the
Inside, and there's no decay to be found.
let us project upwards from the cradle Around us, let us pretend that we are not Smeared with dirt, let us pretend that the Power is not on loan and this is the Truth.
let us be function without form, let us Embrace the poetry without motion, and Exalt in the absence of terror or hate. This Is not anything, appropriate by any stretch
let us hypothesize a clean world and not Clad ourselves in the mannerisms of the Old. That leads to curved fangs, curbed Voices in the mist; and then who sets it real.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Stock lock and barrel got the monkey on my back again
Stop the ecstatic masturbation of the silver cloak and dagger scene
I can't believe you came here only to get cold feet!
Facing forward has possessed you to freeze the fluid in both knees
You're a spiteful mess, you keep the class clown historical
Fighting into the new stream has made your old brand rhetorical
And yes, distressed, you're simply better dressed,
and yes, compressed, you're in some need of caress!
Building looms above, you've left the field and its overrun,
jump the gun until you're black and blue and think
This is fun
yell it
Unclaimed gold
Throw in the towel is funny
Zero consequence and infinite money
To raise the stakes and slake your thirst
is a semblance of a fiery past
You won't be laughing when your well is finally tapped,
You won't be laughing when your laughter turns to crap,
You won't be laughing.
This is a synoptic view of an old worn shoe
This is a bullet in the gun of the lung of the young
who's a sharp retort, old sports foul play
when a ricochet makes its way down the line
will his breath be able to stop it in time?
And i ran with the sound of his lungs in my eyes,
the flip-fit-fixer, never the prize
backstabbing angels with a triangle
coz god has three points and they all mangle
swiftly hat trick, cover in silver
total disregard for a matchmaker's ills though,
How many ends to the cycle of profanity?
How much humanity kneaded in dough?
Young kings, pay them in gold
Gehenna lurks behind the saintly and white
and there's a night coming on that feels set to strangle
Saturday, May 30, 2015
I'm Just Me
I can't walk on water.
I can't read a portent.
When it comes to signs of dominion, I'm hardly an expert.
Spiritually inert, in other words.
Unlikely, just not deified.
There's a thousand supplications adrift in my mind.
Miracles aren't the purview.
Sure, I read a book once,
but I forget most of the words.
I have the luxury of that.
So I'm not the Son of God.
So I won't sprout wings,
and lead you to kings
who'll wine and wither and dine and dither and never allow your mind to keep score.
I don't have the keys to the pearly gates,
and I don't have the words to wrap your foes up in hate,
and not every sentence's indelible magick.
And sure you might bawl and might say that it's tragic.
That I've seen some nights,
and I've seen some sights,
And surely my love must be some great big secret?
A totem of wired up power, devouring
all your spite and fright and turning it to the good?
You're but a crucible misunderstood.
I'm not a carpenter, working with wood
This isn't a world of shouldn't and should.
There isn't a scripture and no holy verse,
There isn't a bargain or some ancient curse.
This isn't a pitfall, a dead drop, a ruse,
Whatever I am was not meant to confuse.
You hiding your idolatry just isn't working.
I am not the Son of God - just hardly working.
the second last girl
i am not the first of my kind,
but i am the last a thousand times.
they get the second-last every month,
every week, sometimes every day.
they're sure to let me know.
they circulate her face
they circulate her face
and letters coalesce to form her name
headlines sandwich her within their uncaring folds
her murder, her destruction, her elimination is almost an afterthought.
unremarked by the world
unremarked by me
just another reminder
in the light of the truth, all you can do is bow.
the news is a heisenberg messenger
it determines the truth of what it delivers
and it delivers death
unending, unceasing death.
Girls Like Me.
Most of the girls like me are gone.
and her name is a thousand tiny knives,
the second last girl.
her name is a million unspoken promises.
her name is a vault of scripts
in languages I'll never speak.
her name is Fire,
and her name is Outrage,
and her name is Violence,
and then they use her name up
and the second last girl is forgetten.
Even by me.
And then they find another one.
I am not the last of my kind, yet.
Friday, May 29, 2015
stood down
Here I am.
I'm stained with gore to the elbows.
And I'm smiling.
stood down, tapped out, I'm not addicted to breath -
strapped in, no air, I think I'm floating to death,
Coz there are nights, yeah, where I'm a thunderstorm.
There are days, no, when I'm terrified.
Sweet Hysteria, will you visit me?
Come in the night and omit me?
There's only time and will and want.
So here I am.
I've tracked dirt into your house.
I have come to wake you up.
I've tracked dirt into your house.
I have come to wake you up.
It is dark,
and I am grey,
So sleep, baby,
sleep the day away.
I don't mind the smell of copper.
I don't need to have a cause.
You feed a fascination,
but there's always scrabbling claws.
So sleep, baby, sleep.
My hands are scrubbed red-raw!
But there's always been a darkness.
There's not enough to keep me pale /and/ warm.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
all i am is clouds now, all i'll be forever is clouds, you failed
stamping on the concrete
eyes fixed on their homes
though there was no cause for their reproach
we cussed out the firemen
cussed out the neighbours
cussed out anyone who would hear
oh, it comes and it goes but its never far
oh, it's grey and it goes and it knows that i'm not gonna tire
coz i have to keep finding strength within me to keep going
they're not like us
and it'll eat them alive
so just keep it up and try not to meet their eyes
i saw them as i dreamed of a wet red tide
they saw me as i was swallowed whole in silk
great and terrible was the sight
though there was no cause for their reproach,
i was wreathed in grey again
and lightning crackled up and down my wary skin.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
I Gave It a Try, But you Just Don't Let me Touch you Like you Used to
the thing about getting older is you're less inclined to fit
the thing about being a cog is that you must
we are all pieces of wood awaiting the flame
and you're only saved if nobody knows your name.
Did Faustus have such quibbling with strife?
To not embrace his nature; trust his life?
Did Marlowe conspire
before the fall
to fuck off and retire?
I do not know the answer,
but the question raised my ire.
I am a pair of scrabbling claws.
A note played in sequence or not at all.
A seed that grows when all else is to fall.
I am a pair of disquieting noises,
I am a pair of talons poised
to gut you unaware
I am, We are, and I am not uncertain.
I do not know what lies beyond the curtain.
Much has been survived as mystery.
I do not know, and that much leaves me screwed,
no attitude, or being rude,
or potential to express a faculty.
Who knows?
Who will ever know?
Who will have the certainty under sea and sky
look my misapprehended flesh in the eye and say
You were Wrong,
This Is Not The Way'.
There is a myriad of them, and they commit sin
Every single day,
in every single way.
But I will not bend.
I will not bow.
I will be a force for words, and for the flow,
and I will wield together words and voice of deadly force,
and all who get too close will say the light is much too coarse,
and I flare unrefined.
I will not bend.
This will not end.
I will stay the course.
And should it prove that nothing has remorse,
and all that stunts me under blood and bone,
and all that I chase in the cups of cones,
will leave this thirst unslaked?
The worst is knowing nothing can be started,
And knowing that those words are lies with stakes,
and should I pay? the words will float away
and leave my flesh a smoking ruin
in the shadow of the newly shadowed day.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Loved One in the Blast Zone
the summation of your parts ignored
beyond threat, beyond het!
beyond reproach.
what are you when you're concealed?
a rusty mess of feelings,
a rising crescendo.
you'l come crashing down,
and you'll be sure to keep it quiet
when you convulse
there's a handful of rooms.
there's a scattering of wounds.
we pick across the landscape with great care.
drawing breath sharply, not unaware.
there's a ghost with the most who's got your number in the post
and it'll never arrive and that is never going to be totally fair.
the solution is simple; do not despair.
what am i when i'm poked?
what flames will billow forth from my maw when i'm stoked?
there's a high, there's a low, there's every which way we could possibly go
and I'm stuck, given up, not quite sure if this is enough.
it has to be enough.
i'm about to flare.
i'm about to flare and it has to be enough.
there's gonna be a blast wave, a ginger haze,
checking my mileage by clocking my top speed
reeking of weed
and leaving you flailing and complaining alone in my blaze.
what are you when you're invisible?
what am i when i'm divisible?
it's not debatable that i'm imitable!
i make the illegible accessible, the archaic is defined;
i'm the tower of course, a tour de force, and i'm sight out of mind.
what are you when you're despair?
what am i when i flare?
and what will be left of any of this?
we shall see.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Every Thought a Future Arrowhead
Especially the parts that I don't want you all to see.
There's a cupboard that I live inside as if it were analogy,
A place to hide, a place to lick my wounds and wait until I'm free.
But that's a narrative that I don't think you get to walk,
The human garbage locked in limbo, waiting to emerge.
Like Sisyphus who rolled a rock until he stopped to talk
With some unearthly hero who wouldn't help him stop.
"How are you, who are you, thanks for coming down to Hell"
as if he owed a demigod bastard anything.
I'm supposed to hide away if there's a fire,
I'm supposed to close my eyes if there's a cry.
It's too much to risk, too much to risk,
The life of a trans woman isn't worth piss.
They killed our kin with poison pricks
- and if that isn't a sign of the times!
They're still doing it for kicks.
I don't think that I can be helped in the head,
and I know I'm in trouble when I'm out of bed.
It's a fine state of features when dangerous creatures
are lurking with sharp stones,
and there's a rhythm in my bones
and a corner where I dump my woes.
Nobody knows.
Getting respect when you feel like a beast in this heat,
When the mothers of brothers who spit in the street will assault,
and revolt at the sight of your eyes, your hairy thighs,
your "mutton-dressed-as-lamb" lies - surprise!
If I don't make a move then none of you assume
that I'm in this room, this room, this societal womb that is the hidden place
that everyone expected me to go to, to throw myself away to and to conform
or to absorb and perform and eventually settle down -
to calling myself my birth name, to choosing a home town -
to marrying or not marrying; but knowing why and knowing how
to having a gender
to not being an offender, scarlet-lettered and wavering,
to being repaired and no longer impaired and no longer a rabid dog,
a grunting hog, a pillar shaker, a Quaker who abstained from bullshit training and complaining.
And what's the deal with the constant simple explanation?
And the little expectation?
Better to do away with it.
That's the pathway to respect.
There's a corner in a white room that's seen a lot of me.
It eats up that desire to remain in mediocrity.
It eats the memory of names and faces
and far away places
and I will never return to myself.
Assault, revolt, disrespect, misdirect,
Lock up your binarist families as I walk by,
a dagger in the heart of St Paul.
All the better, to assist his permanent fall.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
I Hate My Gender But Yours is Worse
Ninety Degree Angels
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Here I Am
I cannot be found.
I cannot be found and here I am.
I have been termed mistake.
But that's all in the past and here I am.
Here I am.
I cannot be found.
And nothing fell apart whilst I had slept!
Though sorrow into signals softly crept,
And I found that I could sleep no more.
Here I am.
Here I am.
I cannot be found.
There's no one left to find.
Nobody left, shadows lift,
The constructs only linger in my mind.
Here I am,
here I am.
My heart and soul a rift.
I had no voice,
I had no voice,
and for a time I did rejoice.
I was for the taking,
the world was for the shaking,
and nothing wasn't a result of choice.
Here I am,
Here I am.
I have found my voice.
And yet it rusts,
orange-red in the moonlight,
spilling out
for ears long since closed
wrong in repose
but right for shaking shadows I don't trust.
I have seen such things, whilst I slumbered.
Whilst my fleshy body softly lumbered
About the business of presumption
Without the cleansing touch of gumption,
and thus it all decayed.
I was borne away.
Perhaps I assumed that everybody went this way.
But still I linger.
In the places that are at once familiar,
and echoes.
and though your eyes may never fall this way again,
(though they rove through cybernetic halls)
and I am not in danger of the hunt,
I feel a need to buttress up with lies.
I know that we expected me to fall,
I know that we expected life to call,
I...don't know what I expected at all.
I live here, with the shadow of who you were.