One overcast and blustery autumn morning, as you were haggling with docking authorities over the unloading of your cargo, a curly-haired wisp of a boy emerged from the seething mass of humanity that plagues all ports and approached your airship. He had a preoccupied expression on his face and he ignored all attempts that the crew made to question or communicate with him. He made a full circuit of the airship in complete silence, appraising it from top to bottom. When he was finished, he approached the docking authorities and told them solemnly ‘This ship has a hold full of star wine’.
Unfortunately for you and your crew, you had docked within the Great Empire of Thurb, and as you know, Thurbians are religiously opposed to any alcohol and treat smugglers with extreme prejudice. The dockmaster sounded an alarm before you could defend yourself, and there was nothing for it but to board the airship at once and try and run the blockade. Dashing to the controls, you were astounded to discover the curly-haired miscreant himself sitting in the pilot’s seat with an expression of glee on his previously perturbed features.
“She’s a fat-bottomed scow, but I think she’ll make it through. Though whoever named her the Aerial Tempest was touched in the head. You might want to hold onto something. I promise to get you out of this in one piece if you don’t toss me overboard afterwards...even though you might want to.”
Three stomach-turning hours later, we were past the blockade and you had yourself a new pilot. At least, that’s how I remember it. There might have been some sword-fighting at some point. And a great deal more threats. And me being heroic, there was a lot of that. Don’t you remember? It was a lot like that time you got us in hot water with that spice trader and I managed to get us out of there before he brought his weapons to bear on us. Where would you be without me around to save your bacon?
Oh sorry, am I scaring the new kid? Well, we wouldn’t want that. I’m Jasper, kid. The best pilot outside of the Eastern Reaches, and the only pilot out there who’s better doesn’t drink, which is cheating in my opinion. Good to see you’ve signed on with the Aerial Tempest! If you’re still on board with a month, I might even try and remember your name.