Sunday, July 9, 2017

Blasted Arbor

I was made of unknit wounds,
Of muddled words,
And sunlit rooms.
I will ensure you know what you behold.
I was forged of misspent words,
Of erroneous deific urge,
Of favours traded, favours bought and sold.

I write on the wall,
Scrawling condemnation,
But in truth, I won't be heard,
So it falls to those who've learned.

All catch fire,
In the blasted arbor,
Past the fallen arches,
In the tended darkness,
And I see you,
You're mine to find.

Once a daughter was ignored,
Until her power family floored,
And she escaped, exotic parts unknown.
She raised an army with her voice,
And to that army gave a choice,
And with her forces, went to claim a throne.

And if ever I should fall,
Well, you'll be the first to follow.
You will go where I would lead,
And you'll bleed when I believe.

All go quiet,
In the blasted arbor,
In my sculpted silence,
In my moon-drenched violence.

All catch fire,
In this light-blind hour,
And I see you.
You're mine to find,
Mine to find,
Mine to find.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

learning to walk

I've walked this path before, you know.
I've walked it fast and walked it slow.
I've lived every excruciating detail.
there is no chance of failure, say i
there is no chance that this will end today
in any way.
I won't let it end here!

W H O  I S  F R I E N D  A N D  W H O  I S  F O E ?
Only for the judge to know.
For our fated friends are now discounted -
hardly known and hardly parted -
and where do you go to sleep
in the city that never stops your sins 
from crawling on your back?

And what should I say, as a matter of course?
Let to the fore, not to know, but to force
the hand that can change the circumstances of man
and yes, of course it helps that I'm a fan!
but that isn't enough.
it was an honor to meet you.
such is the way that it must always, always end.
there can be no mercy,
for that would just offend.

what are we, without our balconies?
where is that tree that waits
and strings us up by fates
that grow like strangling roots to choke out life.
are we but budding, growing strife?
I feel a powerful need for growing things,
like nothing I have ever known before.
to whom do I implore?
and could i dream she'll take me as a wife?

The heroine appears.
Not in the flashing of the light,
but in the crashing of the gears.

I could dance with you all day,
but bloodshed drives our kind away.
I've walked this road with you before.
I've walked it nice,
I've walked it more.
I have lived in grim detail.
I cannot fail.
While you have died a thousand times for love.
This place fits you like a glove, and yet -
it cannot end here.

I will not say to have no fear -
full to the brim with it,
sick with sin,
but still you strive forward.

This is what it is.
A love letter.
A cry to the future.
A last, fragile grasp on something once claimed in full.

There was once rule,
Reason and power,
I choose to not believe that it will flower.
Though I've walked this road before,
soft and still, recalling all,
seeing fog and breathing shadow,
unbent back before the fall -
something in me says no more.

There is no more room for doubt.
There is only what's already out.
The bone, the blood, the sweat, the tears.
The secret wish, the hidden fears.
There is only one place left to go.
There is only one road left to know.
The ways are hundredfold and one.
The human changes with the sun.
I will not let it end here.
I will not let it end here.
I will not let it end here.

Though your doubts  -
span the universe -
are as countless as the stars -
are as nothing to me.

Though your thoughts -
wound, wound with a thousand cuts -
are all you have, and all you will ever have -
are as but air that you wasted, on sharing your folly.

Though your sins -
crawl upon your back -
are recorded on the marrow of your bones -
are enough to make me fear and know your might.

I will not take fright again.
This heartache was always coming.
You are not powerful enough to stop me.
I am not powerful enough to save you.
This is the greatest gift we could receive.

Esoteric, yet unbound.
Deviant, but defiant.
Unsound, yet eager.
Such is my way.
Purest safety.
Deadly poison.
I don't expect you to understand.
I don't expect you to not try.
I don't expect.

You forget; I have walked this path before.
I have gone where you cannot ignore.
I am oft out of tune; yet thrust to the fore.
The fool, as it were - and yet beyond compare.
A true fool does not threaten.
A true fool does not take arms.
A true fool does not fight back.
And yet, here we are.
On the path again. 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Apply Pressure and Wait

it's been a long time, long time coming.
Been a long road for us both to walk.
Strangers again, just like we were before.
Strangers once, and nothing more.

I never thought to lose you all.
Like chaff to get at golden wheat.
To burn you all for my delight?
Would that have proved my might?
Such was never in my power.

I never thought to lose you all.
A portal passed.
Promises of youth are fleeting,
but the wounds one makes mistreating?
have stricken me, have rendered me a stone.

I waited there in the dark for a few years
passed the time, conversed with ancient fears
- verbose friends, though wont to predict death.
Though the sight and sound had passed with you,
I found that I drew breath.

I never thought to lose my heart and soul.
Although I swiftly handed them away.
I did not know, I did not know.
Some would say my fear was lost,
others, my naivete.

it's been a long time, long time coming.
Come walk with me, come walk with me.
Strangers once, just like we were before.
Strangers once, again, and you are nothing more.

It's a long road to walk together
It's a long time to hold apart.
It's a long time for you to say 'forever'.
It's a long distance before you fall apart.

I never thought to lose you all;
but I am stone, and stone I have become.
Won't you say you'd rather dance with me?
Live in my shade?
No one's falling for it this time.

Now all I think about is 'last the years'.
Now all I think about is 'beat their fears'.
Now all I am under the skin can stay the course.
Did fleeing from my presence cause you joy?
What will you do when your hands are forced?

it's been a long time, long time coming.
Nobody's falling for any of it this time.
I have sloughed off my restraint like a sin.
I have carved out the scar tissue you deplore.

Strangers once, but now you have no way of getting in.


Sunday, June 28, 2015

scotus ruling

lets hypothesize a future with white
porcelain, and thousands of unblemished
Faces, and screens that light up from the
Inside, and there's no decay to be found.

let us project upwards from the cradle Around us, let us pretend that we are not Smeared with dirt, let us pretend that the Power is not on loan and this is the Truth.

let us be function without form, let us Embrace the poetry without motion, and Exalt in the absence of terror or hate. This Is not anything, appropriate by any stretch

let us hypothesize a clean world and not Clad ourselves in the mannerisms of the Old. That leads to curved fangs, curbed Voices in the mist; and then who sets it real.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Stock lock and barrel got the monkey on my back again
Stop the ecstatic masturbation of the silver cloak and dagger scene
I can't believe you came here only to get cold feet!
Facing forward has possessed you to freeze the fluid in both knees
You're a spiteful mess, you keep the class clown historical
Fighting into the new stream has made your old brand rhetorical
And yes, distressed, you're simply better dressed,
and yes, compressed, you're in some need of caress!
Building looms above, you've left the field and its overrun,
jump the gun until you're black and blue and think
This is fun


yell it

Unclaimed gold
Throw in the towel is funny
Zero consequence and infinite money
To raise the stakes and slake your thirst
is a semblance of a fiery past
You won't be laughing when your well is finally tapped,
You won't be laughing when your laughter turns to crap,
You won't be laughing.
This is a synoptic view of an old worn shoe
This is a bullet in the gun of the lung of the young
who's a sharp retort, old sports foul play
when a ricochet makes its way down the line
will his breath be able to stop it in time?
And i ran with the sound of his lungs in my eyes,
the flip-fit-fixer, never the prize
backstabbing angels with a triangle
coz god has three points and they all mangle
swiftly hat trick, cover in silver
total disregard for a matchmaker's ills though,
How many ends to the cycle of profanity?
How much humanity kneaded in dough?
Young kings, pay them in gold
Gehenna lurks behind the saintly and white
and there's a night coming on that feels set to strangle